Friday, February 13, 2009

Three best magazines

While we subscribe to a number of magazines, there are 3 that really make a difference in my life: The Friend, The New Era, and The Ensign. They are all advertising-free magazines whose subscriptions cost less than one of our subscriptions put together. I can get them in an number of languages, too.  I can download any of their pages and print them out for my use.

But what I like best is that the photos and illustrations aren't trying to get me to buy something; they aren't trying to get me to look a certain way. The articles don't have any agendas except to help me become a better person, mother, wife, citizen, and church member. There is very wise counsel in the articles. The stories are my favorite part. These magazines have indeed helped make my life better.

The Friend magazine is especially helpful to me as a parent. The other day I used a story called "Cora's Bad Day" to help one of my children understand that anger is a choice, and that Heavenly Father and prayer can help us to change our moods, becoming more emotionally resilient. (I'm glad she can get a head start on that one, since I'm still working on it!) 

I'm also really  thankful for The New Era since it talks to young people on their level, addressing the kinds of issues that you think about as a teenager. It's upbeat, well-designed, and smart. I count these magazines as some of my indispensable resources as a parent!


Wendi said...

You make a great point that these are advertisement-free magazines. I'd never thought of them that way before. Their only agenda is to point us towards Christ and becoming more like him. Brilliant! :) This is a great post about great magazines. Thanks, Liz! Happy Friday, the 13th! And happy Valentine's Day tomorrow! (I'm glad you enjoyed the Smileboxes.) :)

MelanieJ said...

thanks for cora's bad day. Wow. I think I need to read the friend more often (to myself AND out loud)!

MelanieJ said...

Again, thanks for cora's bad day. it became an impromptu FHE lesson. Ah, the beauties of being an RM--lessons off the cuff!