Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship Of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien

The Fellowship of the Ring is one of my favorite books. As one of the first fantasy book written, it has inspired many authors and producers. It is a wonderful book, especially since it was all original, with some references to Norse mythology.
Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, has returned from his adventures with much wealth, and his relatives want it, but he plans to give it all to Frodo, his favorite after he leaves. Among this inheritance is a ring, found by Bilbo during his travels. But his ring is much more than just a pretty thing that gives invisibility to its wearer.  It is the One Ring, made by the evil lord Sauron. Frodo travels to Rivendell, home of the Elves, to seek the council of Elrond. There he is given the quest to travel to Mordor and destroy the ring. Frodo and 8 others form the fellowship that travels to carry out the task. but they may not survive the dangers of what lies ahead.

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